The Munny is five years old this June, and Kid Robot is celebrating its customizable vinyl action figure with some sweet deals and contests.
Founded in 2002, Kid Robot specializes in designer toys, among the most famous of its product selection are Dunnys and the aforementioned Munnys. Mimicking a hybrid of cartoon animals and graffiti/stencil art characters, these figurines, which can be acquired in a variety of sizes and colours, are part of a broader collection that includes Trikkys, Raffys and Rooz'. Typically Dunnys are bought predesigned, but Munnys, Trikkys and others come blank, ready to be designed by the owner.
In celebration of the Munny's birthday, Kid Robot has declared June to be Munny Munth, and deals such as "buy one Munny, get a mini-Munny free" are being offered at most Munny retailers.
Here in Hamilton you can find Munny's, and the birthday deal, at Mixed Media located on Cannon St. and James St. North, and what a better time to go check them out than tonight! Being the second Friday of the month tonight is the June 2010 edition of the monthly James Street North Art Crawl, wherein Mixed Media will be displaying Munnys designed by various local artists.
Among the Munnys featured tonight will be those designed by yours truly. Starting last spring, I thought it would be a fun project to design personalized Munnys for friends and family on their birthdays and other special occasions. To date I have done about 15 or 16, and a photo collage of 12 of them will be set up at the store. Additionally, given that I took advantage of the "BOGO" deal, before the day is done I will design, paint and set up a big Munny (pictured above) to accompany the photo collage. What will it be? Good question, I have no idea yet, so make sure to get out to the Art Crawl tonight and check out the Munnys at Mixed Media!
And for extra interest, simply Google image search "munny" and check out the insane designs that people have come up with all over the world.
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